This upcoming weekend is the Toronto Spring Motorcycle Show – one of the several shows to pass through Toronto at various points in the year, each with its’ own unique flavor and focus. One question I get on occasional is – is it worth going? And the answer is – it depends.
I’ve been an attendee, manned a club booth, displayed the occasional bike (and won the occasional award plaque) at the January and Spring motorcycle shows in Toronto for some time now. And this exposure on various levels has given me an appreciation for the organized chaos that is the Spring Motorcycle Supershow.
One reason to attend is the vendors – everything from no name leathers to high end gear, with the occasional pepperette or skin product thrown in for no apparent reason. You can find things both at the high end of the price spectrum and the low as well – but it’s a good idea to keep in mind that you get what you pay for and a short term bargain may prove costlier long term. As I’ve found with at least one set of gloves that fell apart quite quickly – though I’ve had other cheapies that lasted a long time as well so mileage may vary on an inexpensive purchase. It can be a good place to pick up a bit of bargain gear – especially on the Sunday afternoon when the vendors are looking at unsold merchandise and are pondering having to pack it all up and carry it home again.

The vintage bikes and club booths are always worth a look – with a variety of machines to look at and a good deal of Ontario specific event content. However actual scooter content will be limited when it comes to club booths, and unless you ride a max scooter you may not find much in the event booths that you would care to attend – it all depends on your riding style. (For example the Junk Run will not have a booth because the organizers – including myself – are both cheap and lazy. Emphasis on lazy… booths are a great deal of work to setup and those clubs who do volunteer their time are true enthusiasts.)
I usually enjoy walking down the aisle of used machines for sale as well – there generally are a variety and for the most part a few scooters will be included in that mix (though it will of course vary year from year.) The downside of course about looking at all the used machines is the temptation to purchase another quirky project bike that will likely explode shortly after I purchase it. I admit to not always being the most practical when it comes to purchasing a scooter or small vintage motorcycle – sometimes the oddball little impractical machines speak to me and my wallet does most of the listening.
So should you attend this years show? Generally it’s a fun way to spend an afternoon, and it may give you a chance to find out about an event, club or organization you wouldn’t otherwise have a chance to hear about. It’s a chance to look at show bikes and used bikes, and a chance to pick up that odd bit of equipment at the same time.
I’d say that given all that – it is definitely worth attending. It might be loud, it might be crowded and it might end up with you walking more miles than you normally will have driven in March on your scooter – but even with the limited scooter based content, there is plenty to see and enjoy.
You can get $2 off admission by printing off the coupon from HERE (If you buy the tickets online you can save $3) and the show goes from Saturday April 7th, 9am-9pm to Sunday April 8th, 10am to 5pm.
We’ll be bringing the Burgman/Armec rig and checking it out, so say hello if you spot us.