The 2020 Junk Run event – Starting the Planning.
If you’re anything like us, you’re probably sitting at home right now saying “I feel the need to do something truly inappropriate and ill-advised with a small two wheeled motor vehicle, preferably in a way that impresses absolutely no one with either my machismo or my competence.” At least, that’sContinue Reading
Scooters and Mopeds in Ontario: Facts and Myths part 2
Back in 2018 we posted one of our most popular articles – “Scooters and Mopeds in Ontario: Facts and Myths” – that one is a popular search result, and has helped many readers get the facts about scooter and moped ownership in Ontario. You can read that article HERE. OverContinue Reading
2020: State of the Scooter
It’s cold right now in Canada – which I know comes to a great shock to most of you. To our non-Canadian readers it probably seems like this is the default state, snow and ice occasionally interrupted by a brief period of warmth and sunshine we call summer. Which isContinue Reading
The 2019 ScooTToronto Xmas gift guide!
Twas the night before Christmas, and all through the house – not a creature was stirring. Except you, because you still have no idea what you are giving the scooterist in your life. But have no fear, ScooTToronto once again is here to save your relationship, sanity, and public imageContinue Reading
This weekend is #TheMotoSocialCamp event!
This weekend coming up (August 23rd, 24th, 25th) is #TheMotoSocialCamp event in Picton, ON! If you can, get yourself registered and get out there – it’s a great event, has (currently) 169 participants registered, and both craft drink and amazing food – including a locally sourced harvest dinner on theContinue Reading