If you’re anything like us, you’re probably sitting at home right now saying “I feel the need to do something truly inappropriate and ill-advised with a small two wheeled motor vehicle, preferably in a way that impresses absolutely no one with either my machismo or my competence.” At least, that’sContinue Reading

It’s cold right now in Canada – which I know comes to a great shock to most of you. To our non-Canadian readers it probably seems like this is the default state, snow and ice occasionally interrupted by a brief period of warmth and sunshine we call summer. Which isContinue Reading

This weekend coming up (August 23rd, 24th, 25th) is #TheMotoSocialCamp event in Picton, ON! If you can, get yourself registered and get out there – it’s a great event, has (currently) 169 participants registered, and both craft drink and amazing food – including a locally sourced harvest dinner on theContinue Reading