Scoottoronto Projects: The RV and Scooter Hauler
So far Scoottoronto has looked to the past – we’ve told you of some of the machines and trips that have inspired us and changed us. We’ve looked to the present – telling you what is happening as it happens and updating you on events and rallies we are attending.Continue Reading
Event Reminder – #TheMotoSocialCamp event is coming up, August 23rd to 25th 2019!
As we’re about to enter into August, and the last month of summer riding (though not the last month of riding entirely of course) – we thought we’d remind our readers of the upcoming #TheMotoSocialCamp event, coming up August 23-25th in Picton, ON. This is a unique event that welcomesContinue Reading
The 2019 Mad Bastard Scooter Rally: A rider’s report by Richard Baldwin – Part Two
(CONTINUED FROM PART ONE) We were behind the clock, and I had some decisions to make. I could ignore the next several clue stops and just fly through the course to catch up to where we should be, but with no points we could forget getting any kind of decentContinue Reading
The 2019 Mad Bastard Scooter Rally: A rider’s report by Richard Baldwin – Part One
(Editor’s Introduction: Welcome to the first guest article we’ve done on Scoottoronto, and thanks to Richard Baldwin who volunteered his write up of his experiences (along with his daughter, Kayla who was the youngest passenger to ever complete a MBSR run.) You can read part one below of his report,Continue Reading
A letter to a Bastard: Mad Bastard Scooter Rally 2019
Dear Mad Bastard Scooter Rally; Over the years we have had a complicated relationship. You’ve left me stranded on a broken scooter, without cell signal, eaten alive with mosquitoes and waiting hours for a tow truck. You’ve had me laughing my head off at people dressed as Vikings, as cows,Continue Reading