The Ride that changed…. Everything. (Part Two.)
I was attacked by a rubber chicken, offered a banana by a man in an ape suit, watched everything from a tinfoil alien to a cow ride past me – all of this in the midst of riding several hundred kilometers in a mad dash through puzzles and mysterious mapContinue Reading
The Ride that changed…. everything. (Part One)
Motopiphany – a word I gleefully made up one day to describe a moment of sudden revelation or insight brought about in the process of performing the act of two wheeled motor-sport. It’ll be in the dictionary any day now I assure you. Anyone who has been riding for anyContinue Reading
Stepthru Stardom – Scooters in Pop Culture
Occasionally you get a vehicle in a movie or television show that is more than just a prop – in some cases they are so well used, so visually striking, or so important to the plot they become a character themselves. Occasionally they become more important than the other characters,Continue Reading
The Junk Run: Putting Shoes on the Bike
Just a quick update on some of our Junk Run preparation. The Kymco People S200 scooter is about to be taken out of winter storage and we’ll be starting prep work on it for the Junk Run. For the moment, this be mostly adding new tires, perhaps some hand guards,Continue Reading
State of the Scooters: Spring Update
Here in Toronto, we are finally reaching the point where my morning commute *may* be getting above the freezing point. This is a magical time of year for while I have one machine – a Burgman 400 with Armec sidecar – that serves as my winter commuter bike, I haveContinue Reading